Open Call: Arts Educators in Residence
Open Call for Arts Educators in Residence
Residency Periods:
June / July 2022 : 21.06. – 18.07.
July / August 2022 : 25.07. – 21.08.
August / September 2022: 29.08. – 25.09.

CAMP notes on education is a network of learners and teachers in the fields of arts, arts history, aesthetics, cultural policy and cultural education that emerged from documenta fifteen’s Education and Art Mediation department. One of the manifestations of CAMP notes on education will unfold through the Arts Educators in Residence program, inviting practitioners form the fields of Arts Education to Kassel for one of three residency periods of 4 weeks each taking place during the 100 days of documenta fifteen.
Fellows are invited to share their approaches, develop pedagogical frameworks and realize their own educational projects during their stay. Arts Educators in Residence maintains the goal to provide a liminal space for a multiplicity of perspectives, autonomous, non-institutional, embodied and intergenerational forms of collective learning and re-imagine educational futures.
CAMP notes on education encourages an exchange of knowledges, approaches, and experiences among participants and nurture collective capacities that appear at the intersection of practice and communing. This is an invitation to connect to experiences and ponder upon new questions, critical and cross-cultural inquiries that interconnect with both practical and theoretical threads. The fellows will work together to reflect collectively on their practices and evaluate their actions in collaborative structures.
Arts Educators in Residence is a full-time, tuition-free experimental fellowship program. Each fellow will have their travel (airfare, train, car, etc.), including VISA costs and accommodation in Kassel covered. Fellows will receive a per diem of 20,- € per day.
We assist applicants with their VISA procedure & application. Additionally, we will support the applicant with local quarantine regulations upon return to their country of residence. The scholarship also covers a PCR test for entry into Germany.
Please note that collectives with two representatives can also apply. Send two separate application forms in one email and let us know that you are applying as a collective, providing an insight into your collaborative practice.
We also encourage applicants with children to apply. In addition to travel support, we will provide assistance for fellows with children.
The application deadline is Thursday, April 21st, 2022, at 11:59pm CET. Applications should be submitted in English, using the application form provided.
For any further questions regarding your application procedure or inquiries directly related to the program Arts Educators in Residence please contact
CAMP notes on education wishes to acknowledge the valuable support of the Crespo Foundation.

Cover Image: Arts Educators in Residence, Slot 2 (c) Esther Poppe.