Lecture Series on Arts, Cultures, Policies & Educational Practices #4
In search for definition: Investigation into the Concept and Context of Ghanaian art
Speakers: Dr. Patrique deGraft-Yankson and Dr. Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel (Winneba/Ghana)
Moderation: Nele von Kortzfleisch and Magdalena Kratzer
In search for definition: Investigation into the Concept and Context of Ghanaian art
This lecture analyses the various contexts within which the term Art translates into indigenous Ghanaian ways of life in their multifaceted manifestations. The lecturers will delve into the different concepts and linguistic expressions used in denoting and connoting the term ‘art’ in multi-ethnic Ghana.

Patrique deGraft-Yankson is a lecturer and the Dean of the School of Creative Arts at the University of Education in Winneba. His teaching focuses on the identification and development of students’ creative sensibilities at various levels of education in Ghana. Patrique deGraft-Yankson seeks to contrast the argument for favoring exotic design doctrines in contemporary design education in Ghana with a profoundly deconstructive position. This aims to redefine the role of design for visual cultural relevance.

Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel is a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Textiles and Fashion Education Department at the University of Education in Winneba. He is an African fashion and textile historian, a practising textiles designer and sculptor. Osuanyi Quaicoo Essel´s fields of research include not only Ghanaian dress culture and the work of contemporary African fashion designers, but also the decolonization of fashion and Afrocentric practices of hair and beauty culture.